Thursday 30 September 2010


It is with a great sense of happiness that I can say “we are now a band”. Ashley Morton recently joined us on bass guitar, thus completing the line-up. He knew the songs straight away from the first jam and played like we had been playing them together for a long time.

So now that we have a band I have been thinking about the game plan. First off is to get out there and play live. Our plan is to do our first gig in December, we are speaking to people about this already, so hopefully we should be able to announce something here soon.

To further spread the word a little we are planning on releasing two or three splits with other bands, so we can shamelessly ride on the coat tails of their success. Again, we are talking to a few people about this already so hopefully there will be news soon.

Finally thoughts turn to the first album. Whilst it is pretty much completely written (all bar a few minor tweaks that I’m sure will occur in the rehearsal room), we are hoping to build a little interest through the live shows and splits before getting this recorded.

That’s all for now, but keep checking back. There will some more updates real soon.



Monday 13 September 2010

Post One........

Welcome to our blog. When there is news we will post it here. And there is..................


The first TPIC demo is free to download in full from Bland Hand Records (Link in our Links, naturally). This was recorded at Autumn Road studios in Wrexham in April 2007. At this point TPIC was a one man outfit.
Please follow the link to bland hand. It's a sick label with some awesome totally free music (you can donate what you like but it's not compulsory). Check out Revelation and Chowder to hear how shits really done.

Thee Big Black - Free Download Comp

Thee Big Black is a blog/forum dedicated to riffyrockingprogspacedoomgrimshit. We like that sort of stuff so are totally stoked about being included on their new free download complilation - Black is thee new Black...Volume 2. Check out the awesome bands we're on it with below.......

Black is Thee New Black Volume 2

1) Gurt – Fuck Nose
2) Romero – Solitaire
3) Taint – All Bees to The Sea
4) Enos – Back to Earth
5) Dopefight – Nob. Nod. Noi.
6) Sedulus – Another Caucasian, Gary
7) Castero – White Gold
8 ) Huata – Alchemist Reborn
9) The Path is Clear – What Lies Behind
10) Frailty – The Shining
11) A Distant Sun – Mourning the Idol
12) Wizardrone – Elixir of Doom

Follow the link to Thee Big Black on this page to download it for free. Sickness.

Bassist Needed

Also we are still looking for a bassist. Listen to the tunes. If you dig the only criteria we have is that you must bring the thunder. If you don't know what that means then it's probably not for you. We are west London based.

More news when it happens.............Listen to Crowbar.